Shadow Work


Illuminating the Shadow

Shadow work is the process of illuminating our dark side - the parts of ourselves that we have denied, repressed and rejected for one reason or another. 

We learn pretty early on what's okay and what's not okay in the world we live in. We integrate what’s acceptable and reject what is not acceptable. And what is not LOVED by our people is pushed down, out of sight. But… it doesn’t disappear. All of those behaviors, drives, wounds, taboos, and impulses find their home in the shadow.

When our shadow is left unexplored, it can come out sideways - vomited all over the people around us. You may notice yourself being super critical of a people-pleaser that you know. Maybe you notice anger, resentment, judgment, and frustration when you’re around them. When you explore the shadow parts of yourself that are being triggered by your projection onto others - you may be able to own and uncover your own disease to please.

Triggers are arrows inward. Our triggers shine a light onto our shadows and illuminate a facet or characteristic of ourselves that we have denied and rejected. By exploring and getting curious about our triggers - we can integrate the disowned self. 

Here are 8 signs you need to do some shadow work:

  1. You’re faced with the same lessons - over and over again. This can look like dating the same kind of guy in different bodies, or playing out the same dynamics with your partner.

  2. You’re ashamed of different aspects of yourself and have a critical inner voice.

  3. You’re easily triggered by the behaviors, actions, or even the presence of other people and are judgemental of others and yourself. Have you ever been SUPER annoyed by someone for no reason?

  4. You’re afraid to show who you really are for fear of being rejected. This may even turn in a niggling feeling like healthy relationships aren’t in the cards for you.

  5. You tend to take things personally, even when it has nothing to do with you.

  6. You have a hard time owning what part of you is showing up with you’re having an argument or disagreement with your partner, colleagues, parents, siblings, or friends.

  7. You feel constantly drained, lethargic, and maybe struggle with physical pain and autoimmune disorders.

  8. You find yourself saying things like “I don’t know what got into me” or “That was so unlike me.”

What is Shadow Work?

Shadow work or shadow play is work that involves uncovering and revealing the unconscious drives that are playing out so that we can be more intentional, more mindful, and more self-aware.

If shadow work is something you want to explore, it can be helpful to have a practitioner that can illuminate aspects of your shadow that you may not be conscious of. What we store in our shadows may have protected or helped us survive an overwhelming and unbearable experience - so unpacking it with a professional is recommended.

Shadow play integrates and connects us to a well of core beliefs, instinctual nature, urges, creativity, authenticity, and early trauma. It’s where we do our deepest, most healing therapeutic work.

Are you ready to play in the shadows?

Book your free consultation with one of our clinicians who specialize in the delicate structure of the shadow. 

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