Are you at a place right now where you could really use some community?

Are you ready to do some emotional work so that you can fully show up in your relationships and your life?

Do you feel disconnected from your purpose?

Are you going through a big transition or at a fork in the road?

If your answer was yes to the questions above, I get it. And so will everyone who joins this group.

There is something incredibly powerful about sitting in front of a group of men, telling your story and truly being seen.

If vulnerability scares you a little bit, welcome to the club.

Men aren’t celebrated for sharing their feelings. In fact, they are usually shamed out of them. Not here. Vulnerability is an act of bravery and we see you. Come hang out with us as we build community, strengthen our relationships, break free from patterns keeping you stuck or small, and reconnect to a sense of meaning.

Whether you’re learning to navigate life as a new dad, going through a divorce, or working through anger, this group of men will be here to wade through it with you. In this Men’s Group, we welcome YOU, the real you, the man behind the masks... we welcome the good, the bad, your gold and your shadow.

How do I sign-up?

Just click the sign-up button below to book a free consultation, see if it’s a good fit, and reserve your space.

When is your next group?

Join our waiting list to be notified when the next group is starting

How many people are in your group?

We cap the group at 6 men, which allows us to go really deep and truly get to know each other.

Led by Carl Freeman

Carl Freeman received his Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from Pepperdine University and is now an Associate Marriage and Family Therapist in Long Beach, California. Carl works both with men In his work with couples, Carl utilizes Integrative Behavioral Couples Therapy (IBCT) to focus on goals related to communication, lack of connection. and/or lack of trust - often following a break. Carl works collaboratively with clients, meeting them where they are in their journey to find connection, flexibility, and meaning.

What’s included? $300/8-weeks

Community, camaraderie and support

Receive feedback and grow within a caring environment

Strengthen relationships by working through the barriers you face with those close to you

Recover meaning and purpose in life with the help of a trained facilitator, resources, and the shared wisdom of the group

Get support for mental health issues